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All About the Most Heat-Resistant Countertop Materials

Posted on: February 28, 2022

There are many different types of countertops that you can choose from for your kitchen. Some popular choices include marble, quartz, and granite. Although these materials may be more attractive than some other options, some don't stand a chance when compared to more heat-resistant varieties.

When it comes to a functional surface in the kitchen, you'll want a countertop material that can withstand high temperatures. A material needs to have certain qualities if it is going to become the main heating source of your kitchen area.

With proper care and maintenance, there are many different types of countertop surfaces that will last a long time in intense cooking environments. Today we're going to take a look at the materials that meet these criteria:


One of the most popular countertop materials, quartz is a blend of natural quartz stone and manufactured materials, including pigments, resins, and glass. Resistant to water damage and staining, this material is highly durable, making it the most heat-resistant countertop material today. Quartz comes in many colors that can be customized or chosen to match any décor.

Quartz countertops can last for years in high-heat environments. While it's known as the most heat-resistant countertop material, quartz may be prone to thermal shock if not properly heated and cooled.


A favorite among homeowners and architects, marble is a natural stone that can be found in many different colors and patterns. Although it's the most heat-resistant option available today, marble can still sustain damage from high heat. It should only be heated at medium or low temperatures. Marble countertops are porous, which makes them susceptible to staining if liquids are spilled on them. However, an occasional wipe with a damp cloth will keep this material clean for years to come.

These countertops are easy to clean and attractive for any kitchen. Marble is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.


A favorite among homeowners, granite countertops are durable, easy to maintain, and come in a variety of colors. However, this stone is highly susceptible to stains from liquids if they do not have time to dry before being wiped up. Although regular maintenance on these countertops will ensure that they last for years, granite should never be exposed to high levels of heat as it may cause damage or discoloration.

These countertops are aesthetically pleasing but must be protected from high heat. Granite is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.


This durable, versatile material is made up of natural aggregates and Portland cement (which makes it highly resistant to water). Concrete has a high thermal mass which means that it holds its temperature easily. It's also non-combustible, making it another great choice for families with small children or pets. Because concrete can get slippery when wet, you'll need to make sure that the flooring in your kitchen area is slip-resistant.

Although these countertops are functional, they may not last very long in high-heat environments. Concrete is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.


Another naturally-occurring stone, soapstone, is a popular countertop that requires little to no maintenance. Resistant to staining from spilled liquids and heat resistant up to about 450 degrees Fahrenheit, this stone is durable enough for the kitchen. When properly sealed with a protective coating, this countertop will last for many years in a high-heat environment.

Although these countertops are extremely functional, they may not last very long in high-heat environments. Soapstone is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.


Quartzite is another durable, heat-resistant countertop that may be less expensive than other available options. This material can withstand temperatures of up to about 480 degrees Fahrenheit, and the surface remains cool. However, quartzite can last for many years in a high-heat environment. It's often recommended that only low to medium temperatures be used when cooking on this material as it may cause damage or discoloration at higher temperatures.

Although these countertops are extremely durable, their use should be restricted to lower levels of heat. Quartzite is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.

Lava Stone

A porous stone, lava stone is naturally heat-resistant but may lose its color over time if it's exposed to excessive heat. This type of countertop can also get stained easily if not properly sealed, so care must be taken when using the surface for food preparation.

Although these countertops are durable and aesthetically pleasing, they should never be used in high-heat environments. Lava stone is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.


An environmentally-friendly material made from linseed oil and natural resins, linoleum is non-toxic and easy to clean with a solution of water and vinegar. It's also resistant to stains, easy on the feet, and is even dishwasher safe!

Although these countertops are extremely functional, they may not last very long in high-heat environments. Linoleum is known to be one of the most heat-resistant countertop materials, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.

Final Thoughts

While concrete, soapstone, quartzite, lava stone, and linoleum are all highly heat-resistant countertop materials, they should not be used in high-heat cooking environments. Concrete can get slippery when wet, so your kitchen flooring must be slip-resistant. Soapstone is also extremely porous, so it requires special sealing to protect its color.

Quartzite is durable, but care must be taken when using the surface for food preparation as it may stain easily with exposure to higher temperatures. Lava stone can lose its color over time if exposed to excessive heat. It is often recommended that only low to medium levels of heat be used on this material as it may cause damage or discoloration at higher temperatures. Linoleum is also heat-resistant, but it can still be affected by temperatures that are not within the usual range of cooking.

If you need help with your kitchen renovation, get in touch with us here at Countertops Kalamazoo. We are a full-service company that can help you get the job done right!
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Countertops Kalamazoo is the number one choice for countertop installations in the greater Michigan area! Our team has years of experience in the field and is fully licensed for your peace of mind. Call us today to learn more about our services.
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